Friday, September 28, 2012

Here Lies the Librarian by Richard Peck

Here Lies the Librarian is a book about a young girl named Eleanor who idolizes her big brother, Jake.  Their parents have both died causing Peewee's brother, her Aunt Hat, and Colonel Hazelrigg to take care of her. Peewee is the name her brother gave her, works with alongside her older brother in an old shack they use as an automobile shop fixing cars. Jake and Peewee have dreamed of becoming an amazing auto company working on the land of their small shack.  The story begins with a tornado whipping through town of Indiana. When they finally emerge from their shelter, they find that the tornado has touched down in the cemetery, unearthing graves and depositing bodies in trees. The tornado damage is reported in a local newspaper, which mentions that the library is closed since the death of the town's only librarian is damaged as well.
Peewee has no interest in much besides automobiles until four wealthy young ladies, library students at Butler University, come to her town, resurrect the local town library, and energize the town. Irene takes an interest in Peewee, inviting her to help in the library.  Peewee had been previously banned from the librarian by the grumpy old librarian before it was closed. Peewee is drawn to Irene and the library in spite of herself. One of the new librarians, Grace, is apparently a "Stutz" of Stutz Bearcat fame. Grace Stutz obviously comes from a wealthy family, and she's familiar with the Stutz production line. Jake enters a car race at the local county fair but his car is stolen before the race. Grace graciously loans him a production Stutz Bearcat.  However Jake is injured by an unscrupulous competitor and can't finish the race.  Peewee jumps into the Stutz and finishes the race and wins!  Jake ends up with a good future with the Stutz company and marries Miss Grace Stutz, the heiress to the Stutz fortune. Peewee, now Eleanor, decides she wants to drive cars and tour the world in emulation of Dorothy Levitt, a pioneer in the field of women in racing. 

Mrs. Garza's Thoughts:
I enjoyed how automobiles were intertwined with the library. My dad, my brothers, and my husband all enjoy fixing automobiles. My brother is a technician for an automobile company. My mom on the other hand is a librarian! I grew up around automobiles but books have always played a major role in my life as well. I could relate to Peewee at times because of her "tomboy" personality.  The book is humorous at times, but there are also some good lessons in the story. I am an elementary school librarian and I was happy to see that the new librarians are not the stereotypical librarians, grumpy and boring. They were all young, energetic, attractive and well dressed ladies! These four librarians are just like me and my mom and our friends!

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